“Explosion in SaaS Usage” is a Double Edged Sword for Engineers - Engineering.com

Catch our CEO & co-founder, Steve Massey in the latest Engineering.com article on SaaS for Engineers.

Card that says: Explosion in SaaS usage is a double-edged sword for engineers."

Catch our CEO & co-founder, Steve Massey in the latest Engineering.com article on SaaS for Engineers.

At Prewitt Ridge, we excel at partnering closely with our users to consistently improve the product, while working to breakdown organizational cultural norms that often hinder innovative thinking. By accomplishing these tasks, design engineers can get back to focusing on creating solutions for a better world.

Steve Massey, co-founder and CEO of engineering software developer Prewitt Ridge, warns about SaaS perception and reality. A major challenge in digital transformation, Massey says, particularly in hardware engineering, is that the human element is still extremely important when designing a product.
“No amount of software can replicate the level of attention and collaboration required for designing intricate systems,” he tells engineering.com. “When customers think of a SaaS product in the context of digital transformation, there’s a misconception that the product will instantly improve their work environment.”
Massey adds that unfortunately, many engineering platforms overpromise on their capabilities and often fail to meet expectations. He offers some advice: “When purchasing software, organizations should be clear about their expected results. No single platform can meet all engineering needs, so it’s important to identify inefficiencies within an organization and find the right software to address them.”

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